Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day one of juicing

So after a month of binging, I now tip the scale at 221.5 pounds. I keep wondering if that's enough to one day grace the cover of people magazine's half your size issue. Probably not, but I could loose 100 pounds and be considered more healthy than I am now. That is one crazy thought. I am at the point where I don't want to leave the house because nothing fits. Those once lovely size 16 jeans will not button without my gut hanging over. Now that April is starting, waring a sweat shirt in North Carolina is going to look really funny and be very hot. Time for a change. About a year ago, I watched fat sick and nearly dead and gave juicing a try. It lasted 5 days. Five days! It wasn't my first attempt juicing but defiantly my longest. So, yesterday when I bought my third juicer, the family was a little confused :) no, no, I say! We love juice! It is going to be fun watching mommy drink juice every day for two on months. I have actually decided to break it down into 6 ten day periods. That sounds more manageable to me. Just count to ten six times, and it will be over. A life make over, that's what I need. I want to make small changes every day and put my life back together. Little things are broken, they are adding up, they are causing havoc on me and my family. Healthy food is the answer. Eat good food and you will feel better. You will look better. You will act better. Will post more tomorrow on how I survived day one. Elle